Showing posts with label Brian Zahnd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brian Zahnd. Show all posts

Thursday 4 May 2017

Church in Transition

1 John 2.....what is the " young man state" about? In natural life it is the necessary transition stage between child and adult. In the Spirit it is as well. Childhood in faith is the awesome realisation that salvation is not by works but by faith and we take our baby steps in this new.realm of believing in our heart and confessing. In Acts people.were the Spirit immediately, they'd already had lots of.rudiments just by being Jews. Raised in the leftbrain West it is often some time before.we get baptised in the Spirit.

The young man stage is where we are building our new hearing mechanism. Faith comes in two stages, by hearing and hearing comes by access to the Word of God.First we have to have our inner hearing dug out. "You have dug out ears"
It is where we are confessing what we see in the Bible is now true of us. Based on the victory that is already ours. "You have the victory".
This is called charismatic or Word.of.Faith church.
You have one single pastor still just like Catholicism, and evangelical beliefs.
It doesn't matter what we do in the first two levels of corporate faith, we can do no other anyway.
In the Holy Place even the shewbread is cut up in 12 bits because nobody can take the whole thing yet.

But in the thirdlevel everything matters.
Ephesians 4 is a good description of how thirdlevel church works, but by then you have many ministries under one roof with real Christ stuff. There is nothing in the Bible anywhere about one pastor. Only elders plural. When they went out on missions....even apostles.....they went out as twos minimum to demonstrate fellowship, how anointing works in the Trinity, and not the Zeus model of power we know in the world system.
In the thirdlevel we.are all about keying others into the Melchidisek order, hearing Christ for themselves, psalm 123, and learning Galatians 2.20 living.
The Father level which is Union, they who know /are fused with Him who is from the Beginning.
In a leftbrain culture, Brian Zahnd, Justin Abraham ,John Crowder stick out for " talking about mysticism"
But from the moment we pray to a God who is Spirit we are engaging outside what the leftbrain is familiar.with. So Gnostic and mystic..... can be good can be depends on the Spirit we are.fellowshipping with.
John Crowder
1 Corinthians 12 addresses a city where pagans were already accessing they had to do the same sort of things but keying into the one Holy Spirit that declares Jesus to be Lord.
Justin Abraham
To a balance brained community, nothing is mystic. But we are not there yet. Right now, even the young man stage of 1. John 2 is considered quite off the wall, and nobody knows there is a third stage of growth.

Brian is quite similar to the London leaders in the 70s. In my opinion he knows what he is leaving. He was w hugely successful pastor of an American megachurch. But I am convinced he will express himself more directly the more he catches the thirdlevel message of Union.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Brian Zahnd is one....a chips fall man

Brian Zahnd is one.....but you will notice something strange. .......
It is picked up in The Different Drum by M Scott Peck. And here you will need to know the four psychological stages of internalizing our identities and beliefs.
1 We begin as egocentric.... the world revolves around us
2. We are socialised and learn that it isn't.
3. We chuck everything up in the air again to see where the chips fall, and distinguish the absolute truth from that which was told us to socialize us.
4. Synthesis where we now live fairly happily in our own skin knowing roughly how WE work.
We chuck everything up in the air again to see where the chips fall, and distinguish the absolute truth from that which was told us to socialize us.
But if you were in the 70s Jesus Move you noticed by the 90s people either jacking the whole thing in....or starting as Brian tweets reference Advent thoughts....i.e. they have gone High church or Orthodox church. What is the attraction? There is no thirdlevel church currently so this is the rough work around....this type of church gives personal space to meditate or if Orthodox to visualise. What I listen with my Spirit for is in their synthesis they know Christ in their form now....or have they just done a tribe of Dan and become the next generation's Snake in the Way?And as both groups now think quite deeply and individualistically it's almost impossible to tell before they have killed you intentionally or unintentionally like the ever so clever but ever so "what is Truth?" Pilate.

Whenever someone is in faith it is always understood by unbelief as arrogance and puffed up behaviour.
It is puffed up ofcourse....but with a different spirit than's puffed up with God...who is humble....but absolutely clear on what He is going to do.
Like Cain and Abel the issue is always God coming forth in Union incarnation of Himself LIVE. Such a one will be killed....sidelined.....opposed by the Satan spirit living still in the rest.

Abel had the Divine blueprint. Cain did not. Abel had it not because 'he was better' ,he had it because he loved God and had hung around with Him. To set the mind on the Spirit isn't really an option's in the Spirit that every atom finds its being....if we look to what appears now we are not looking in the right place. Noah only knew to build a boat because He hung around in the eternal Now and got the heads up for what was about to happen in creation as it began to collapse under the weight of the sin spirit. The whole of the firmament ....The uppercanopy was about to crash...and the inner caverns of water of the depths. In like manner we need the Divine blueprint of our age before things occur. It's not optional. Millions literally die without it.

( for the science of the firmament read a structural engineers book on how it functioned based on all the old historical oral histories. The Firmament of the Sky Dome. By Leander Pimenta.)

Any kid at any time can access the eternal Now and speak something so profound it blows the parents away. One of my tuning clients had a baby whose first words were a his dad...."do you love God.?" His dad started going to the local C of E church. Unfortunately it was the rower Matthew Pinsents Dad....and trained in Oxford, the rural farmers hadn't a clue what he was preaching.

Generally speaking someone who is going through their 'socialisation stage' stage 2 in Bill Johnson's church....without a direct NOW rhema Word at least.......Will not be able to impress a Stage 3 Jack" it all in type of person" like Hal Williamson. Hal will only relate to fellow Jack it all in Rick Olson types....or genuine stage 4 people some of whom may have found Union....some like tribe of Dan types are full of earthly wisdom....which of course has the appearance of mostly being true......but forthe exception of genuine God invasion into our current reality.

The man Jesus put out of the room was right when He said I don't believe in the miraculous. Human wisdom can be depends who is believing it or who is refusing to believe it. Belief works any which way round. Read Ezekiel 8.10 about the scrawlings on the inner surfaces of our Faith machine. What is categorically true is faith does not work in the left brain. That is not where our faith machine is. The devil's favourite trick is to take a Stage two person who has filled his left brain with church and God knowledge and say.....see it doesn't work!!!!Jack it all in. I could have saved the devil the bother.....two things....Faith only works from the right that's why it says faith comes by hearing and the ability to hear is triggered by the no faith doesn't come from left brain acquisition of secondly...Christianity is not's about relationship and putting on God Himself in a losing to gain message.....The Cross.....eating His's not about some super witch power trip. The thirdlevel Christians...The father level people of 1 John 2 are involved in things so enormous it's like a boat passing the white Cliffs of Dover and thinking it's just fog.
What I listen with my Spirit for is in their synthesis they know Christ in their form now....or have they just done a tribe of Dan and become the next generation's Snake in the Way?
 Everyone on earth missed the fact that Chairman Mao was lining up his troops to invade Europe in a swoop down in 1974 ....and that's because Mother Basilea Schlink went away fasting and engaging with him in the throne of what he did instead was allowed himself to be bribed a year later by Kissinger and Nixon who basically said you can have the same thing anyway by economic takeover......which has largely now taken place.